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So you’re thinking about getting Botox injections, but you’re a little nervous about what to expect. For those of you who might be unsure, or nervous about what is involved with Botox injections, here is some insight on what happens during your initial consultation.

What you can expect- During your first consultation, you will be completely informed about the products that are used in the injection such as, Botox and Juvederm. Dr. Trockel will meet with you personally and introduce you to the rest of the staff that will be involved in this simpleshutterstock_172885937 procedure. He will review with you what you can expect before, during, and after your treatment. Dr. Trockel will give you time to ask any questions you might have, and he’ll be happy to address any concerns you may have. During this consultation Dr. Trockel will also assist you in deciding which treatment will be best to meet your enhancement goals. We will also be sure to discuss with you if this is not the best procedure for you at this time. In being completely honest with you, you will know that we always have your best interest in mind.

Once everything has been discussed, we’ll give you a quote for your procedure. Please keep in mind, the consultation is totally free, and you are not obligated to receive treatment from us. We encourage you to take your time in making this decision, and we also advise on the best time to receive treatment from us. Generally, if you decide to move forward with the procedure we can perform the procedure on the same day as the consultation. Of course, we are always happy to schedule your procedure for a future time if that is your preference. We look forward to discussing these options with you. Click Here to make an appointment today!